Aman Sharma
Aman Sharma

Aman Sharma


🚀 Serial Tech Entrepreneur, Speaker and Advisor

From my learning of building 3 tech businesses, I help early stage entrepreneurs ideate, validate, test, build and launch products, FAST. I enjoy building things, Teams, products, software, you name it. Taking initiatives from 0 → 1 is where I truly thrive.
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 💁🏻 TL;DR

I am the CTO & CoFounder of, AI & Data Lead at 84000 and Tech Advisor for Early-Stage Startups. Before this I have built 3 startups [ twimbit, KiEvents and Atlancey ].

While pursuing CS at BIT Mesra, I founded the Web Studio Atlancey developing over 20 digital products and earning numerous Government accolades. I then joined as a founding engineer at Hotel AI company which led me to ML researcher at TU Vienna Informatics . Here I worked on world class ML & Recommender Systems. From those learnings I cofounded AI startup KiEvents (Failed😔) and was acquired by twimbit transitioning me to be its cofounder & CTO. There I built and scaled the SAAS offerings and scaled the company. Meanwhile, I founded the community and served as a WG member of the AMP OpenSource Project. After exiting twimbit in 2022, I joined Entrepreneur First Singapore and later met Chuck to cofound Dinnerfy. I am an active contributor to open-source communities and projects, giving tech talks, sharing advice on SAAS building, and mentoring kids on tech and entrepreneurship.
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Featured as a top CTO in India and recognised as one of the world's most influential tech business leaders.


🚀 Deep DopeTech

I have worked with startups and organisations globally, while building sustainable engineering teams and scalable digital products.
Aman has a unique super power of building immersive digital products from 0 → 1 in record time while keeping a balance between scalable technology, strong cultural teams and butter smooth user experiences. ~ Ashish Passi Co-Founder twimbit
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🚀 A better way to Build and Scale, Fast


Free Newsletter & Talks

I create and curate content on best practices, strategies and my person journey on building startup product 0 → 1.

Pro Advise

I provide fractional CTO consulting and Tech advisory to early stage SAAS startups who are building or scaling tech.



📍 Sitemap